title: Roba store
assignment: concept store
status: constructed
surface: 24 m²
location: Preradovićeva 30, Zagreb, Croatia
investor: Roba i Roba d.o.o.
year: 2011.
photo: Domagoj Blazevic, Saffron
Concept store interior design created through intensive turquoise block – colored and neon highlighted backside entrance/passage vs. discrete and clean surface of the store. Simple light materials, such as chip board, accompanied with white background and minimalistic form of bearers (hangers, wardrobe) are contributing to the planned roh-bau appearance of the store. OSB board flooring "transforms" itself into designed pieces of OSB furniture. The whiteness of the ceiling moves on to the walls and due to the inventive and simple solutions, visually it never touches the floor. All colors of choice are soft and bright, used to open up this potentially confined space.